Thursday, 10 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey l Teaser Week

The Summer Learning journeys is a progamme that can help you be active while summer, every year represents a new theme and name that can also come with different activies. The summer learning journey also helps create new knowledge and information about different sources.

We recently did our kick start activity to understand the definitons of the theme, name, and what the Summer Learning Journey means this year.

The kick start activity uses a colouring book, and you get the option to colour anything in the art peice, there is a limit of 16 colors, the coloring pad has access to draw quickly when you press somewhere on the art peice.

I think the kick start activity is a good way to colour, and enjoying the reason of colouring, you also get to have the options of colors which also is fun.

LI: to prepare for the summer learning journey:



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