Friday 30 August 2019

Reciprocal Teaching - River Dog

Today in class we did some reading, when we were reading we were all in our groups our groups are takahe, ruru, kea, kakoko. In our groups we did inferring, inferring is a type of thing you read and we do predicting, reading, words your unsure of and summarising.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

5-7-10 - The Magic Ride

Photo courtesy of Sergei Kalinin

One day 3 other people and I went on a magic ride, on the magic ride you would be spun around and get dizzy, sometimes you will even vomit. On the magic ride we went the opposite direction, then we stopped and we were in another dimension.  It was called “The Moon”. We were so scared we were freaking out we did not know what to do because there was nothing there, one of the kids was crying, but I tried my best not to be scared. I could not help it was SO CREEPY I wish we never went on the ride. But… then a girl fell off the world and we only had 3 people. It took them 3 days to try to get out the ride but it never worked we were stuck on it forever! 

Then a stranger came he was so scared he said in a scary voice 
“Want to go back to the earth?” 
We were like “YEAH!” 

There was no internet, food or devices anymore. Then we saw a door it said ‘EXIT’. I was so happy I was jumping. I went through the door and ‘poof’ I was back where we need to be. Back where it was “The magic ride”.
Today in class we did 5 - 7 - 10 writing, in this writing we did the magic ride.

Friday 23 August 2019

Writing a sentence about synonyms

I like to run because its a good way to exercise.

I like to jog because its a good way to exercise.

Today in class we did some synonyms, we had to do two different sentences

Zepts and Zios

Today in class we did a math work sheet. When we did this we had to find out the answer, the answer is 52. We worked out this logically as a table.                                               

Micheal Collins

Today in class I did an astronaut. My astronaut was Micheal Collins the man who was in the rocket.
When I made my astronaut I had to line them in the order of gear.

5-7-10 Battle of the Storm troopers

                                                 Photo courtesy of One the Roofs 

One days there was a man who was on top of the building, he was trapped and did not know what to do. He was scared because what if he fell off the building? He could not call anyone because when he used his cellphone it fell off the building. He tried yelling “Help” but no one would answer because he was too far up. Then finally a man saw him and rang the police so he could get down. Then a helicopter went and saved the man's life and he is now at home.

Tapa Art

Today in class Ms Kirkpatrick took some photos of our tapa art. WOW! when we did our tapa art it took a long time from week 1 to week 5. First we made our design. Then we copied it on a white clean paper. After that patterned it with vivid. Later we painted it. Finally we scrunch it.

Word Cline - Afraid

Today in class we did some word cline, on my word cline I chose afraid. We had to look in the thesaurus to get the words.

Friday 16 August 2019


Today in class we did read theory, This time when I did it I got 9 fours and 1 five. But I need to get on grade 6, I only have one six.  I need to improve on answering the questions properly.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Fraction Splat

Today in class we did some fraction splat, I got better at it from 180 now I got 350 I am so happy.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Word Cline - Big

Today in class we did some word cline, then we picked a word to do we could only could do big, fast and small. Then we had to go on thesaurus for the word we picked.

Word Cline Challenge
Your task is to find 5 interesting words that increase in intensity (have a stronger meaning) as you move up the line.  You can use the dictionary and the internet to help you find the words.


Tuesday 6 August 2019

Measuring Metric Length

Today in class we did some math, the math game was to test your measurement. The game was class metric length. This game showed time, score and level when I did my last round of Metric length I won 1st place.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Target Numbers

Today in class I did a blog post of a math solving problem. First we had to think of the numbers to go in the boxes but we had to put them up top and we also needed partners to do this because we might be stuck on this so I picked for my partner to be Dezy.