Saturday 18 January 2020

Activity 3: Own Choice

Image result for mae jemison

1. Her name is Mae Jemison.
2. She was a Nasa Astronaut and a american Physician.
3. Mae instituted technology in developing.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa lava Akifa,

    How have your holidays been? Have you been able to head to a beach or a park to play around? It is great to see you participating again in the SLJ programme so welcome back :)

    Congratulations on finishing another activity! The thing that I like about this activity is that you get to learn more about someone you are researching and the people who look at your blog get to learn more too as a result of you sharing the information! I have to be honest and say I had no idea there were female Astronauts so thank you for teaching me that. If you could travel to space and withstand any temperature, what planet or star would you want to take a trip to? Akifa, I really appreciate you adding and attributing your image as well.

    Keep up the mahi!



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