Sunday 19 January 2020

Activity 3: The Diary of Anne Frank

One day my mum dropped my sister off to school, when we got out we saw this person with a dog so BIG!! it had lots of fur and it was super big, even some of his fur covered his face.

Today I had to write about a extraordinary day, I wrote one about a huge dog when my sister was dropped off to school.

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Akifa,

    Congratulations on completing another activity! :)

    I enjoyed reading your story but it ended so quickly! I am so impressed by your punctuation because I see how you have really thought about where you put your commas, and nice use of an exclamation mark! I think you are very clever with the way you write and I would love to see more sentences or content!

    Keep up the awesome mahi, you are so close to finishing the whole SLJ programme! Look forward to seeing you cross the finish line Akifa, ka pai! :)

    Ngā mihi,


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