Friday 17 January 2020

Activity 2: iMoko

Some things my family and I do to be healthy is come to my Dad's shop, today a truck came with new food and I helped take it in the storage.

My Sister and I usually walk to a supermarket nearby and we get food and walk back home.

My Baby Brother is a BLAST at walking he likes walking even if he is in his stroller he tries to get out and walk.

Today I had to name stuff that make me healthy, I had fun for this activity.

1 comment:

  1. Malo e lelei Akifa,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post and think it is amazing that your family are active! It must be so handy to have a supermarket so close to you! Wow, your baby brother sounds like he is keen to get off his training wheels and actually start walking by himself! What is your most favourite vegatgto eat? Mine would have to be bananas and broccoli. Thank you for sharing Akifa, keep going and you will be finished the SLJ in no time!



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