Friday 25 September 2020

Governing Topics l Reading.

Governing Topic's, or policies are actions that political parties want to put into actions to get power

Health means something keeping good hygiene like, brush your teeth, brush your hair, wash your hands, etc. It is also somebodys well-being.

Education is important to me, because you get the opportunity to learn new things, and it can educate you more, find new friends, do art, and more!

There are 13 topics and they are: transport & infrastructure, education, health, enconomy, defence & foreign affairs, borders & migration, community & inlusion, enviroment, housing, te ao maori, income and employment, law justice and goverment, media, culture, and recreation.

If I vote one day, I will be picking education and health, since those are the TWO important topics to me.

LI - To choose important governing topics by summarising all topics.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Akifa,
    I enjoyed reading your blogpost and looking at the work you did. I also did this activity and picked the same governing topics. What other topics would you pick and why?


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