Monday 16 December 2019

Activity 3 - Day 1 - Charities

Today I did the 3rd activity in the summer learning journey, for this activity we had to find the charity we are most interested I picked SPCA the charity for the pets. I picked this one because I really love pets.


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  3. Hi Akifa
    I see that you did a blog post about SPCA that helps pets.
    I really like pet like you do. I have a question? What pet would you like to choose? I would choose puppy because they're cute. Keep up the great work on SLJ

  4. Kia ora Akifa,

    I liked the way you explained what the SPCA does for animals both hurt and sick. It is amazing that there are charities out there which make such a difference for animal welfare. I like the images you chose to your support your post too! :)

    I remember when I was eight years old, my family adopted a kitten from the SPCA. We called her Mouse. It was such a great experience going out to see the SPCA and the difference they make for all those different animals.

    Do you know who started the SPCA charity? Whoever it was, I bet they were an animal lover :)

    Don't forget to attribute your images. This is when you say where you got your photos from. Here is the link if you don't know how.

    We give out full marks when you attribute your photos!

    Noho ora mai

  5. Hi Akifa!
    This blog post was great. What has been your favourite activity this week? Do you think your going to finish the whole SLJ?? What did you find hard in this activity?
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence


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