Friday, 27 November 2020

They Plot Revenge?! l Novel Studies

The Twits is fictional book created by Roald Dahl, the chapter 24-26 talks about how they plot revenge on The Twits.

First when the monkeys and bird plot revenge, they had a plan to stick the furniture on the walls so The Twits think they are upside down.

Later, the roly-poly bird looked outside if The Twits (Mr Twit and Mr Twit) were home from buying guns, when the bird saw them he flew back down and he eventually ask the monkeys to get out of the house. Then the monkeys went back into their cage and acted like nothing happened.

The Twits is a interesting but funny book that can be read from all ages, espically kids.

LI: to do novel study 

Resource Requisition l Inquiry

 Most natural disasters are common and can be found at any time in the world.  


Humans need shelters and protection during a natural disaster. Storms may be common disasters but are really powerful sometimes.

All materials can be useful for something during a natural disaster, e.g: wool can keep you warm, stainless steel is a strong material that can not break, cardboard is an inside wall, etc.

Shelters windows could use strong clear plastic, since they are strong it would be hard for it to break, popsicle sticks can break easily but if you put a lot of layers there's a chance it can not break

Mathematics also can help during buying products to prevent natural disasters. The mathematics to measure our products we are using for the shelter.

Natural disasters come in all sorts, and sometimes make global problems around the world.

LI: To prepare materials order for construction

Kapa Haka l Performance

Today I saw a performance from the kapa haka group, we also learnt about the Maori traditional language and weapons that can be used by protecting them and for hakas and waiatas.

First I saw the kapa haka group do a Maori intro ceremony, they used a conch to make a loud noise so people can get there attention and know they arrived.

Next they introduced themself, and they performed a dance to us for their welcoming, they also gave us information about the different Maori objects you can use to perform, e.g: poi, ti rakau, and taiaha.

Later, we saw a performance from the kapa haka boys,that did a Haka for a response to the Kapa haka group.

The classes went to a Maori teacher and they played games, LS1 played matou and maui, matou is right, and maui is left what we had to do do is peform a circle then we get a Rakau and then the Maori teacher says Maui or Matau then we go left or right.

I enjoyed this weeks kapa haka performance, I enjoyed it since I got to have the opportunity to play Maui and Matou, and learn about the different performing objects.  

Two Man & Three Man l Touch Rugby

We carried on learning the basics of three man, and two man settles, we also played some games of touch rugby.

First, we gathered into equal groups, we practised two and three man settles, we practised this to get ready for a touch game. Couch Mark told us to aim for one person when we drive the ball down the field.

Next we played a game of touch tugby. We played a game of touch so we can learn how to play and how to use a two man and three man settles.

I improved in my catching and passing, but I think next time while I play I should get included more in the game of touch, and communicate with my partners more often.

LI: to play touch

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Fractions, Decimals, and Percentage l Maths

Fractions and decimal uses symbols in the middle of the number, and percentage uses it in the start of the number.

Fractions is a equal peice of a whole, in fractions it uses denominater and numerator. The numerator is the top number of the fraction, the denominater is the bottom number of the fractions. 

Example: 1/2 the 1 is the numerator, and the denominater is 2, 6/7 the 6 is the numerator and the denominater is 7.

In fractions there are Equilivlant and Improper Fraction, equilivlant fractions is a fraction that is similar/same with the bottom number.

Decimals are a number that can be defined as a whole number, the dot that is in the middle of the decimal is the decimal point.

Percentages are part of fractions, the denominator turns into a decimal and is divided by 100. To change a decimal to perecentage you mutiply by 100.

Fractions, decimals, and percentage have something in common to each other.



This week, I carried on with learning names in Maori. I also learnt new words in Maori.

Firstly, I learnt the words shoes/shoewear, give it, here/recieve, and more. I switched cards with other people so we all get turns learning new Maori words.

After, I started another Maori sheet to translate names, I looked on the list first to figure out the words I already know in Maori and write the answers.

Later, the words that I did not know in Maori, I searched on Maori Dictionary, e.g: Rona (Lona), Heni (Jame), Kewene (Kevin), etc.

Maori can be difficult sometimes, but I am happy that I got to learn it.

LI: to do Maori

Friday, 20 November 2020

Basic Facts l Maths

This week I did basic facts challenge, basic facts helps educate different equations. It helps learn more of addition, subtractions, mutiplications, and division.

I tried doing divisions and my timer was 6m, 00, I am happy that I tried divisions and my scores were good.

I enjoyed doing basic facts boxes, and I am happy that I tried division but next time I hope I can do all boxes instead of just 4 division boxes, and improve on my time.

Kiwi Sport l Touch Rugby

This week for kiwisport, we did our first game of touch using three man and two man settle.

We first gathered up into two different group for defending and attacking.

After, we played our first game, my group started off with the two man settle and we worked our way through it.

A two man settle is two people planting the ball, running the ball, and passing the ball. A three man settle is the same procedure as two man settle but it uses three people instead.

LI: To play touch rugby.

SSR Selfie l James & the Giant Peach

This week I did SSR Selfie on the book called "James and The Giant Peach".

Firstly, I read the book for 15 minutes, then I wrote the information from the book into my slide.

SSR selfie explains the author, illustrator of the book, the main characters, what happened in the book, and your emotions about the book.

James and the Giant Peach is a books that connects to what happened in James past life and what is happening while he was away from his cruel aunts, he felt happier and had more excitment while he was away.

Statistics l Maths

I did a data set from athletics days to discover the group scores and points.

A data set is a group of numbers. To add them up you can use repeating addition, or mutiplications. A data set usually uses mutiplication since it is easier to use to solve equations, when you're using mutiplication it is easier since if you're using addition you may get the wrong number. Mutiplication is used like this: (3x2)+(2x4) = 14, instead of 2 + 2 + 5 + 5 = 14.

To find a averages you add numbers up and divide them. Averages is used like this: 14÷2 = 7, then 140÷2 = 70, next we divide the 7 by 2. The 7 is made out of 70 tenths. There is no 2 in 7 so we we put the 7 with the 70 and that makes 70.7.

Mutiplication is a easy way to solve data sets and get the answer earlier than repeating addition.


Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Maori l Locations

This week I translated different mountains around Auckland from Maori to English.

First, I got a list of sites that I needed to use to translate the words.

Afterwards, I went on the Maori Dictionary and I translated the mountains.

Later, I learnt the words ok, no, quiet, and hat in Maori.

I think Maori is a inspiration culture and language.

LI: to do Maori.

Monday, 16 November 2020

The Twits l Reading

The Twits is a fiction book created by Roald Dahl. Chapters 20 to 23 are about how the monkeys escape and want to plan revenge on The Twits.

The monkeys escaped when The Twits went down the road to buy guns. They went the right way up and asked the roly-poly bird to get the keys.

To get revenge the monkeys planned to get Hug Tight sticky glue, and pour it around The Twits house.

The Twits is a really interesting book made for all ages.

LI: to study a novel


Friday, 13 November 2020

Manakalani Films l Sylvia Park

On Wednesday afternoon, Panmure Bridge went to Sylvia Parks cinema to watch movies from different schools around Auckland.

We watched Manakalani films, I think they were really cool and interesting.

We watched our movie first, our movie explains how you should sanatise and be careful for germs while we have a pandemic (COVID-19).

I commented on Glen Innes School, and their movie explaining how the pandemic make most essential workers really busy.

Narrative l Screenplays

Screenplays help manage the names, the setting, and the scene of a narrative.

The screneplays uses names, scene, and the setting, the name is the person talking/speaking, the scene is what chapter it is, and the setting is where it is at, and what they are doing usually.

While using a screen play the names go on top, in the middle and is in caps (ABC), the scene is on the left side and explains the setting under, the name is important since they know who is speaking.

Screenplays help explain different things for a narrative.

LI: to convert a story into a screenplay/script.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Maori l Names

This week for Maori, we learnt about the different names in Maori, and we played with a rakau/sticks for our rights and lefts.

We firstly did a name template, we firstly tried figuring out the names we knew already.

After we used Maori Dictionary to translate the words we don't know, e.g: Hera is Sarah, Hare is Harry, Warena is Warren, Nikora is Nicholas, etc. 

Next we played with sticks, we did this to educate our left and rights in maori, e.g: matau is right, and maui is left.

I enjoyed these activitys, and I think Maori is a beautiful culture, and language. 

LI: to do Maori

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

The Twits l Reading

The Twits is a fiction book created by Roald Dahl.

First, 4 boys were stuck to the dead tree by Mr Twits sticky glue, so they ran away with their pants stuck to the tree.

Next, the monkeys are trapped in a cage in Mr Twit's backyard because one day, Mr Twit wants to start a monkey circus.

After that, Muggle-Wamp and his family want to escape and go back to the Africian-Jungle.

Later, Mr Twit wakes up to collect birds for his bird pie but he could not find any birds.

The Twits is a funny book, and enjoyable for all ages especially children.

LI: to study novel


Sharing Knowledge l Maths

This week for maths, I learnt different maths, stategies, and the skills it used to make that maths, we all each got a partner and we talked about what we learnt while doing maths, and the stuff they have been doing with maths.

Firstly we got our first partner, My partner explained what the written alogritim is used for, and how it works she also told me a example so I can know it proberly, she gave an example of the place value house using the written alogritim.

I got taught how to do written alogritim. Written alogritim is when you is when you solve a problem using a range of stategies to work out a answer, e.g: place value, addition, subtraction, mutiplication, division, etc.

Then, I went with my second partner, he used geography and he taught me what it uses, and how you can solve mathmatics with it, he also taught me the basic meaning of geography and what he learnt from it.

Geography is to study places, it helps  you the true meanings of nature, society, water, fire, flowers, grass, trees, culture, and more.

I enjoyed learning different things, and enjoyed teaching others about different kinds of maths, I think I was a good teacher because they got to think about the maths I did. I think David and O'ninesha were good teachers to me too.


Friday, 6 November 2020

Designing Shelters l Inquiry

This week for inquiry, we learnt how to make 3D emergency shelters.

We firstly drawed a emergency shelter on paper to know the shelter we will be making..

After, we needed to know what shape it uses so we could create it. The reason why we needed to know the shape was because to know if it could get wind inside, or not.

Then we started making the shelter on Sketchup, while we used sketchup it was fun since we got to create our own shelter.

Some materials that are good to create with shelters are: stone, and brick, they are good to use for materials since they can prevent the wind from coming inside since the material it uses is strong.

Materials like stone and brick can protect from wind since their material is really strong and heavy, metal and steel can also protect from wind too since they are also strong from wind.

My group and I found this really interesting and fun, since we got to create our own shelter using Sketchup.

LI: to digitally model an emergency shelter

Kiwi Sport l Touch Rugby

This week for kiwisport we learnt how to three man settle, and two man settle.

Firstly we did 3 man settle, for three man settle there is three people, one wing, one runner, and one dummyhalf.

Then, we learnt how to do two man settle. The two man settle is with two people, one dummyhalf and one winger.

Later we played walking touch, we used the same method (three man & two man), but we had to walk.

I am happy that I learnt how to do three man & two man settle, but I was really exhausted

LI: to play touch rugby

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Money l Maths

Money can help pay for different things, e.g: house, petrol, clothes, toys, food, furniture, etc.

The cents and coins currencies in NZ are: 10c, 20c, 50c, 1D, and 2D, the notes currencies in NZ are: 5D, 10D, 20D, 50D, and 100D.

Money is different in each country. The colours are different and worths are different, and the currencies are also different too.

Example: If somebody had 5 dollars and spended 2.50 on a ice block, the first thing they will give is two $1 (or two $2 dollars), that makes 4.50, and then another 50 cents makes that 5.00 so the answer is 2.50 returned back.

Money can do mathmatics to solve things, so while you grow up mathmatics should be useful.

Interschool l Touch Rugby

On wednesday some people from LS1 & LS2 went to Dunkrik Reserve for a friendly touch rugby tournament. The competetion was split into Y5, Y6, Y7, and Y8 groups of people.

We firstly waited until our first competetion, when we started we competed with Sylvia Park School, there communicating skills looked really good, we eventually lost that game from 0 to 5.

After, we competed with St.Patrick. While we competed with them I thought they were really good, the points were 3 to 3 points so it was a tie luckily.

Then we competed with Sylvia Park 2, sylvia part two was with another team of people in Y5, we tied with them from 2 to 2.

Later, we competed with our last school it was Stone Fields, I thought Stone Fields were really fast while they were playing, we sadly lost the game to 2 to 3.

I liked the way every school was communicating, and how our games were improving from our first game, I was disappointed my team and I only got to play 4 games but I was happy that I was particpating in this sport.

LI: personal reflection on the day.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Idiom l An apple a day keeps the doctor away l Call it a day l easy as ABC

This week for reading we were explaining different idioms. An idiom is a phrase that means something different to what it usually means.

We picked three idioms which was: an apple a day keeps the doctor away meaning apples are healthy and good for you, call it a day meaning time to quit, and as easy as ABC meaning something very easy. 

After we picked three idioms we wrote a script and created videos to explain the idioms we chose visually.

I enjoyed this activity and I hope I will do it again.

LI: To explain an idiom.

The Twits l Reading

The Twits talks about two old people hating children, capturing monkeys in cages, and more, The author of the book was by Roald Dahl.

The ballooning down chapter talks about how Mrs Twit wants to float down from the balloon so she begins to float downwards.

The horrid shock chapter explains how, Mr Twit was drinking a mug of beer until Mrs Twit comes floating down.

The house chapter talks about how Mrs Twit & Mr Twit house is really dirty and cant be taken care of, dead flowers rotting and dead trees.

The hugtight chapter talks about how Mr Twit kills birds every once a week and Mrs Twit cooks bird pie for their lunch.

These book is really inspiring and is really enjoyable to read.

LI: to study a novel.