Monday, 30 September 2019

Angry Birds - Movies

This holiday for term 4, me my niece and sister and my niece is cousin went to the movies. When we went we went into number 3 Angry Birds, first it shown up with some ads and videos but then the real video came. This part was part 2 of destroying pig island and bird island from a purple eagle. I really like this movie because it had some funny parts.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Experience of Term 3

When I first got out of school, I was picked up and came home. I was so happy that the holidays have begun and what we have done for S.T.E.A.M in the term. We've been through a lot and enjoyed great activities. One of the best parts this term was going on a trip to the mind lab because that experience was really fun and educating, but I hope next terms subject/topic will be better and even more fun. I think the experience for next term will be more exciting because we will be going to the theaters and we also have a gala day/a shopping day in school coming up.

U.R.L - Reading

Today in class we did U.R.L, this subject for U.R.L was Reading

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Swimming Lesson

Today was the last day of swimming, since it was the last day we had to wear life - jacket. The first thing we've done was safe entry to the pool and we started chaining our self to our people, when we chained ourself we had to put our feet under and your hands around your buddy. After we did another thing called huddle and the huddle means the same thing but in a circle. Next we had to touch the ground of the swimming pool but some of the teacher made us duck down. I feel sad because we can not go swimming till next year on term 4.

The Glass House

The glass house

Photo courtesy of Tom Fruin, One Big Photo.
One day a man called Jake had a glass house, he was so confused because the glass house was under the bridge. So he asked a man that was next to the bridge why wa/;ls there a bridge under there but he did not answer. Then he started walking home and slept and the other morning when he woke up he found the glass house near his home. But then Jake started tearing the house with some equipment and their neighbors saw them and called the police.

 So the cops came and said “HANDS UP!” but Jake did not listen so he ran to his house and locked the door without Rose (her wife) and the cops started talking with the wife and asking questions about Jake, so the wife said “ he did not feel good over the night” and the cops said why so Rose answered by saying he saw a glass house and he really hated it because he is one of the most famous builders ever and he always responds things that are in the wrong place .

This week we did a narrative, the name of the narrative was called The Glass House.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Read Theory

This term I improved from 4 to 5 and I have also improved by going  2 levels.0

Word Cline - Sad

Today in class we did Word Cline, The word I did for the Word Cline was sad.

Today Number

Today in class we did some Today Number, the number we did was 52.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Sentence Type

Sentence Typ
L.I - Revise the 3 sentence types

Simple Sentence ~ Sometimes small animals such as fish, frogs and snakes can fall from the sky.

Complex Sentence ~ The balls can be as small as a pea or as large as a football.

Compound Sentence ~ If the spinning remains strong and touches the ground, a tornado forms .

Today in class we did compound sentences, when we did the compound sentence the verb was pink and the subject is blue.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Math Monster

Today in class we did Math Monster, when we did Math Monster I got perfect score on 12x and I have done all my tables.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Split Strategy

Yesterday in class we did math, the math we did today was called split strategy.

Hiwi The Kiwi

In the morning on Wednesday, my class and I went to the hall for the Hiwi the Kiwi show. When we came inside the hall, Hiwi the Kiwi introduce himself to us. Then he talked to us about rubbish and life jackets and told us "you should keep your jacket on all the time and tell your parents to wear one if they don't". Then we stood up and did a dance while Hiwi the Kiwi was singing and we copied the other teacher's dance moves. After we danced we sat down, Hiwi the Kiwi told more about fish and birds and told us that if you put salt water on a wet towel, when you're putting a fish back, the fish will slide out and not die. Then we did some more dancing and we did some singing. Then we sat down and Hiwi the Kiwi asked us some questions and if you get the question right, we could go up the stage. Finally we were almost done so we could go back to our class.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Mindlab trip

Today in class we did a story about our trip at M.O.T.A.T. When we were there we had to put designs and pictures and signs on, when we came in there we first did the torch activity.  For that activity we had to make the torch light up. Then we went to the other group and we made an electric car. We had to be partners of 2 and share 1 car, we had to make something cool! it was trying to make the battery After we explored more we went in the pump house. When we went in the pump house when we saw a wheel and that controlled the water in the he 1800s-1900s. I really liked this trip!                                                                 

Word Cline - Tall

Today in class we did word cline, my word for the word cline was tall.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

5 - 7 - 10 - Surprised Mouse

Photo courtesy of Valery Subachev, One Big Photo
The surprised mouse

Photo courtesy of Valery Subachev, One Big Photo courtesy of Valery 

Once there was a surprised and excited mouse, he was so excited to eat his breakfast from a little
boy called Marcus,
but when he went to Marcus’ house he did not see him. He was so worried and starving, but had no choice and did not eat any breakfast. Soon he saw Marcus but he did not feed him,
the mouse was in tears and sadness. His stomach grumbled with hunger.
Three hours later he was still waiting for food but nobody came, so he went back home
to his mouse house crying.

Soon Marcus saw the mouse and he laid a bag of food in a tray. The mouse was surprised

he was jumping up with happiness and laughter, soon he ate half of it . He was so grateful and soon
hugged Marcus. He now knows that when marcus is gone it is because he is getting food.

Today in class we did 5 - 7 - 10 writing, in the 5 - 7 - 10 writing our story we did today is surprised mouse.

Monday, 9 September 2019


Today in class we did a poem. The poem was called pockets and we had to draw a pocket with food. Here is a link to it.

Duffy Role Model

Today in class we went to the duffy assembly,  Jamie Wall visited us and talked about his life and some facts about his job. It was fun because he showed us a video about his life, in the video it showed us some cool things, in his life he would go up the best seats and watch the rugby team play. Another factor is that he wrote a book called Brothers in Black and it took 3 months to write, another factor is he can travel the world without paying because the Maori Television pays for him to go and report back.

 This is one of the duffy book it is called baby shark, I got I got this  book for my baby brother so I can read it to him, and I got the minecraft book for myself to read and enjoy!

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Visual Language - Charlie's Underpant

Today in class we did visual language, our book this time for the visual language was Charlie`s superhere underpants.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Word Cline - Happy

Today in class we did a word cline, in the word cline this time I picked happy as my word.


I did synonyms today. It was kind of hard but the thesaurus helped me. A thesaurus is a book of synonyms.


Scamper, scuttle, lope, pace, jog
Address, ink, draft, note, tell
Spoken, say, telling, talking
Stroll, pace, march, tour, step
Chuckle, grin, crack up, break up, burst
Eye, peek, sight, slant, flash,